The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)

piquet Bath) CtilL VOL. XY. PIQUA, OHIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1898. NO. 292.

DIPLOMATIC FRANCE Does Not Take Kindly to the American Commissioners. NEW YORK DEATH OF A WOMAN No Bed of Roses Before Them if They on to Manila and Luzon, Hold Paris, Sept, the reception accorded the United States Peace Commission here is all that could be desired, and while the' o'clock. French Foreign Office has taken great pains to treat the American and Spanish Commissioners ia precisely the same manner, it must be admitted that the general atmosphere of Paris, especially the diplomatic atmosphere, does not incline towards America. Itisthe 1 general impression here that the American Commissioners have instructions to provide for the retention of Manila and the Island of Luzon. Said a prominent Diplomat, will put herself, diplomatically, in the wrong when exceeds the provisions of the Protocol, which both Nations signed.

If Americas' instructions are of an uncompromising nature, which is generally believed to be the case, here, you can rest assured that the work of the Commission will be futile. The Spaniards will retire and the Americans will at have to "threaten a resumption of hostilities before she will gain her The Commission invites any complaints, about the management of any of the various branches of the War Department, from any person or persons and requests that such complaints be made in writing, stating facts, that the party may know of his own knowledge, giving names of any officers or enlisted men who may be charged with misconduct or incompetency, addressed to the Secretary of the Commission, Washington, D. C. Republicans Meet in State and Roosevelt Candidates. Saratoga, Sept.

day for the.Republican Convention to nominate a full State ticket opened bright and clear. All the leaders said there was no change in the situation. The Black men still said their candidate would be placed before the Convention, At 12:25 o'clock, Chairman B. F. O'Dell, of the Republican State Committee called the convention to order.

Congressman Sereno E. Payne, was chosen temporary chairman and the convention. His mention of President McKinley's name was the signal for wild and continuous cheering. The convention took a recess until 3,:30 Mrs. August Belmont Died at Paris.

lS ew York, Sept. private dispatch from Paris announces the death there last night on Mrs. August Bel- morit. Hank of Logausport Found Insolvent. Washington, Sept.

is stated at the Treasury Department that the State National Bank of Logansport, Indiana, which went into voluntary, liquidation over a year ago, has been found to be insolvent by the adverse termination of the litigation in which it was involved. J. W. Seldou, National Bank Examiner for the District, has been appointed Receiver. AIWSJ.ETTER.

He Wants a Thorough Investigation. Tiie Markets. Toledo Sept. Wheat Chicago, Corn Oats 22. Pork, Lard, $4.85 a Hogs, best grades, shade higher others steady, S3 .45, $4,05.

Cattle good grades, steady, others weak. Beeves, $5.70. Cincinnati, Seps. Wheat firmer Corn firm 31. Oats easy 24 a Rye steady 48.

Provisions quiet. Lard $4.75. Bulk meats So.37>|. Bacon $6.55. Hogs, 84.00.

Cattle $5.20. Sheep, $2.50, Lambs, $3.55, $5.25. Only One Opposed to Equal Lay Representation. Springfield, Sept. Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in session at Charleston, voted 240 ayes to 1 nay equal Lay Representation.

in favor of RURAL MAIL CARRIERS Robbers Make a Big Haul. Flora, Indiana, Sept. two and three this morning, the safe of the Farmers' Bank was blown open by robbers who secured close to $12,000, and made good their escape, Cashier William Lenon, aroused by the noise, appeared while the robbers were at work, was shot, and it is believed will die. The robbers got away on a hand car. The bank building was almost wrecked.

IMPERIAL EDICT Has Rescinded Recent Reformatory Ready Yet. Y7. Peterson and Franlc Hamilton to Talce Cliarge of the Routes to be Established on October Third. The appointment of two carriers for the Rural mail delivery system, which is to be established in Washington and Springcreek townships, the first of October, were made this afternoon. W.

W. Peterson, a veteran of the civil war and a well known Republican was chosen to make the deliveries in Spring- creek township and Frank B. Hamilton, a son of Alanaon Hamilton, residing on North Downing street, was assigned the Washington township route. As was stated last Friday, the will be put in operation on Monday October third, owing to the first falling on Saturday, and thereafter one delivery will be made each day, with the excep tion of Sunday and legal hoadays. The delivery wili begin in the morning a ten o'clock and is expected to be completed by three o'clock in the afternoon.

Pound the Dollars and the Molds. Massillon, Ohio, Sept. G. Hostetter, Pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church, has been arrested on the charge of counterfeiting. He waived examination and was taken to the Cuyahoga County Jail in default of bail.

Counterfeit silver dollars "and molds have been found in Hostetter's posses- sion. He says he is the victim of a plot. Washington, Sept. letter of Secretary Alger to the President asking for the investigation has been made public as follows War Department Washington, 8th, 1898. To the President I have the honor to ask that a Board, consisting of from five to seven members of the most distinguished Jsoldiers and civilians that an be selected, be appointed by you, with full powers to investigate, thoroughly, every Bureau of the War Department in connection with the mustering, clothing, supplying and arming of th.e troops, transportation, letting contracts and chartering vessels and all expenditures of every kind, as well as the orders issued by this Department, indeed that everything connected with the Army be thoroughly investigated for vour information.

C7 (Signed) R. A. Alger, Secretary of War. To Secretary Alger the Commission addressed six queries for his reply. of Campaign proposed immediately after the Declaration of War; was it intended to move at once on Havana, or that the Campaign should be postponed until the autumn was the Santiago campaign determined upon was Tampa selected as the base of operations were summer camps organized at Fernandina, Jacksonville and Tampa? was the Porto Rico Campaign determined uponj were the troops held on transports after embarkation at Tampa, and not permitted to sail for several days? The farmers of the two townships are elated over the thought of obtaining the free delivery of their mail, and there is no question but that it will prove a success, and be continued after the experimental stage has been passed.

Pekin, Sept. Imperial edict issued today practically rescinds the recent reformatory edicts, and orders that Hwan, a former Member of the Chinese Foreign Office, and the opponent of Li Hung Chang, be confined until further notice. The edict, however, absolves him from complicity in the alleged plot to assassinate the Emperor. Knocked Out "but Seriously Hurt. Philadelphia, Sept.

Payne, the pugilist, who was thought to have been seriously injured in his fight with Joe Butler, last night, left the Hospital today, having completely recovered from the effects of his knock out blow. The seconds who were arrested last night, were released today. The Cjclone at Lima. We had expected to have the details of the terrific storm that swept over Lima, in today's local papers, but they failed to come to hand. Suffice it to say that the High School building was destroyed and that immense damage was done in the city and surrounding country.

So far as reported only one death occurred. Twenty-Fourth Enroute to Fort Douglass, Utah. The Coroner "Will Hold an Inquest. Springfield, Ohio. Sept.

Schafer, has decide.d to hold an inquest into the cause of the death of Patrick Bolan. Dr. Bell, after reading chemist Simonan's report, notified the Coroner that he believed the deceased's death was due to slow poisoning. Mr. Bolan was very wealthy and died suddenly.

Auction Sale of Government UIules. Horses and Chattanooga, Sept. auction sale of 800 horses and 200 mules, condemned because the Government had no further use for them, is in progress, and will continue this week. Prices range from $20 to $60, the average be- in Cleveland, Ohio, Twenty Fourth U. S.

Infantry, the Colored Regiment which fought so gallantly and conspicuously at the battles of San Juan Hill and Santiago, passed through Cleveland over the Nickel Plate railroad, late last night, en-route from Montauk Point to the Army Posts in the far west. Arrest for and Murder. Akron, Ohio, Sept. Johnson, js under arrest for robbery and the murder of Oscar Osborne. Johnson worked for Osborne a year ago.

The officers found where he spent $150 in Cleveland and Akron places of ill repute and on his person was $40. It was known that he had no such sum of money. Johnson is a Canadian twenty- £aree years old. No Yellow Fever in Texas. Jackson, Sept.

new case of yellow fever at Taylor's Station this morning. other cases reported from any part of the State. State Health Officer Blunfc, of Texas, has asked the Mississippi Board of Health to remove the Quarantine against Galveston, established some time ago. He says there is not a case of fever in Texas. Do You Wish to Gain Flesli Ninety per cent of our passengers gain from five to ten pounds on a trip to Mackmac.

If you are run down, take a cruise up the Lakes. We guarantee your outing will benefit you. The cost is within the reach of all. Send 2 cents for illustrated pamphlet. Address A.


Steamers, The Coast Line, Detroit, Mich, A Blessing Ivor tlie Ladles. Thousands of ladies are using Brazil ian Balm. For soreness, pain, bearing down and many kinds of trouble, it acts like a A 50 cent or dollar bottle often does more good in one week than any other remedy does in months. It goes right to the spot, removing all inflammation. Mrs.

Geo. W. Roberts, of Wilmington, says, "A strong solution Df Brazilian Balm and warm water used as an injection has done me more good than all the remedies and prescriptions I ever When Captain Leavell was asked, while worn out with extreme labor on the field in Santiago, why he did not get sick leave, he replied, that with the number of his fellow officers killed and wounded, he had no time to be sick. The Pony Dollars Postage for Stamps- W. F.

Bailey contributes to the October Century an article on "The Pony Express," between St. Joseph, and San Francisco, and the Postage on Letters. At first the schedule was fixed at ten days, an average of eight miles an hour from start to finish. This was cue down to eight days, requiring an average speed of ten miles. The quickest trip made was in carrying President Lincoln's inaugural address, which was done in seven days and seventeen hours, an average speed of 10.7 miles per hour, the fastest time of any one rider being 120 miles, from Smith's Creek to Fort Churchill, by "Pony Bob," in eight hours and ten minutes, or 14.7 miles per hour.

Considering the distance and difficulties encountered, such as hostile Indians, road-agents, floods, and snowstorms, and accidents to horses and riders, the schedule was maintained to an astonishing degree. The service created the greatest enthusiasm not only among the employes, but also in the ranks of stage employes, freighters, and residents along the route. To aid a "pony" in difficulty was a privilege, and woe be to the man who would so much as throw a stone in the way. Washington, Sept. Navy Department is advised by Dewey of the seizure of the American steamer Abbey which left Macao Sept.

21st, with a cargo of arms for Batangas. There were only Filipinos on board. They refused to give any information and had no papers whatever. The steamer was formerly the Pasig, an Insurgent is registered as an American vessel, The Navy Department very promptly approved Admiral Dewey's action. letter of one-half ounce or less; but afterward this was reduced to $2.50 for each letter not exceeding one half- being in addition to the regular United States postage.

Specially made light-weight paper was generally used to reduce the expense. Special LOW RATES TO OMAHA for Every Day Via Pennsylvania JLines Trsiis-Mississippi Exposition. Excursion tickets to Omaha are on sale daily at principal ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Lines and may be ob- editions of the Eastern newapapera were, tained up to October 15th, inclusive, printed on tissue.paper to enable them return limit includes November to reach subscribers on the-Pacific coast. This, however, was more as an advertisem*nt, there being little demand for them at their necessarily large price. Mr.

Bailey further says: The letters before being placed in the pockets, were wrapped in oil silk to preserve them from -moisture. The maximum weight of any one mail was twenty pounds; but this was rarely reached. The charges were originally $5 for each Pencil ing's. It is easy enough to manage a wife; provided she isn't yours. All the world may love a lover, but all the world hates a man who wants to borrow money.

You can't offend a 14-year-old girl by estimating her age two years too bigh. "I am greatly indebted to you!" is a polite remark that a great many men could truthfully make to the grocer and the provision Nobody ever tells yon what a clairvoyant has prophesied without adding, "Of course, you know I don't ever take the least stock in what a clairvoyant says." The girl who leaves the point of a pin sticking out of her belt behind does not deserve to be hugged. It is generally safe to say that the man who hears the clock strike at 8 o'clock every night isn't successful in his Journal. loth. For special information abont the low fare and quick through time over the same route, apply to the nearest Ticket Agent of the Pennsylvania lines, or address F.

VAN DUSEN, G. P. Pa. Kates to Pittsburgh for Knights Templar Conclave. Elaborate arrangements are completed for the Knights Templar Conclave at Pittsburgh in October.

Yon may enjoy it all by going on low rate tickets to be sold over Pennsylvania Lines October 8th to 13th, inclusive. After take ing in the sights and festivities, interesting side trips may be made from Pittsburgh at small cost by depositing return coupon of Pittsburgh tickets with Joint Agent at that place. For particulars apply to nearest Pennsylvania Line Ticket Agent, or address O. Haines, District Passenger Agent, Dayton, O. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refund the money if ib fails to cure.

25c The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet..

The Piqua Daily Call from Piqua, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.